08 March 2015

Structure of Human Blood

There are three types of human blood vessel: artery, vein, cappilary

Human blood vessels consists of 3 types:

  • Carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to all parts of body except pulmonary artery

  • Sites for exchange of respiratory gases, nutrients, and waste between blood
  • The smallest blood vessels taht joints artery and vein
3. Vein
  • Transport deoxygenated blood from all parts of body back to the heart except pulmonary vein

  • Artery branch out into smaller vessels called arterioles
  • Arterioles branch to form cappilaries.
  • Cappilary join with one another to form venules
  • Venules join together to form vein

Function of Haemolymph

1)In insects,  the haemolymph  fills the entire body cavity called haemocoel.

2) A circulating system in insects is called open circulatory system.

3) Nutrients from digested foods and hormones diffuse from the haemolymph into the cells.


Functions of blood in Transport

1) Transport oxygen

  • Transport from lungs which is alveolus to all part of body/cells
  • In the lung, oxygen combines with haemoglobin, Hb to form oxyhaemoglobin then pumped to tissue
  • In tissue, oxyhaemoglobin supplied for cellular respiration

2) Transport of water to tissue
  • to provide biochemical reactions
  • 90% of water

3) Transport of carbon dioxide

4) Transport excretory waste products
  • Deamination of excess amino acid occurs in liver to form urea
  • From liver urea is transpoerted by blood to kidneys to be excreted
5)Transport of hormones
  • Produces by the endocrine glands. For example: insulin and glucagon are carried by blood form pancreas to the liver
6) Transport of heat
  • Regulate body temperature
7) Transport absorbd foor materials
  • Soluble digested food, vitamins and mineral absorbed into the cappilaries of the villi in the small intestines. For examples: simple sugar (glucose), amino acid, vitamin B, ,mineral salts
  • They are transported by hepatic portal vein from small intestines to liver then to heart
  • Others food are absorbed into lacteals in villi. For examples: fatty acids, glycerol, vit A, D, E, K

Composition of Human Blood pt ii

B) Plasma

- Water: 90-92%
- Soluble solutes:

  • Nutrients (glucose)
  • Mineral ions (Na+, K+, Cl-)
  • Dissolved gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide)
  • Hormones (insulin)
  • Wate products (urea and uric acid)
  • Antibody
  • Plasma protein (albuin, globulin, fibrinogen and prothrombin)